How do you sell to Gen Z without giving us the ick?

How do you sell to Gen Z without giving us the ick?

So you want to sell to Gen-Z. Well, you’ve got a challenge on your hands. Gen-Z are a discerning bunch. I would know. 96% of Gen-Z shop online at least once per month, but we don’t just want to buy any old thing. We want authenticity and efficacy. We want it all. Is that really so much to ask?

So, how do you market to Gen Z without getting cancelled, giving us the ick, or being annoying? The answer is: you don’t sell. This means that top-of-funnel content is king, think organic social and engaging with your online community, but for it to land well your content has to hit the mark. The traditional educate, inspire, and entertain content pillars just don’t cut it for Gen Z audiences anymore. We want something more real.

We want relatable and funny content. Memes, using trending sounds on TikTok, and focusing on really entertaining recurring storylines are all types of content that Gen Z eats up. Most people fall into the trap of using this type of content to directly promote a product, but you get the best results when people are at the forefront. We connect best with the people that make up the brand and then have that brand awareness banked for information search.

We want UGC-style content. User generated content is our version of Yelp reviews. If we’re interested in a particular product we’ll search up unboxings, reviews, and videos of creators using the product. Plus, if that UGC-style content comes across our fyp (that’s a ‘for you page’ for the TikTok refusers amongst us) we’re way more likely watch the video and trust what the creator is saying. 

We want you to hop on trends. There’s nothing funnier than watching an established brand take the mickey out of themselves using a trend. While some (older) marketing professionals would advise against this, Gen Z loves it when brands don’t take themselves too seriously. For brands that are less established, trends are a great way to get some traction as the algorithm will be pushing trending sounds and hashtags.

Make sure you’re on TikTok. You’d think this would be common sense, but we’ll say it just in case. As most Gen Z’s are TikTok obsessed you’ve just got to be on there making short-form content to really capture our attention. While you’re there stick to relatably entertaining, UGC, and trend-based content. You’ll be sure to get some Gen Z fans.

Sincerely, Amelia Cribb

A certified Gen Z and Digital Marketing Coordinator

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