What's Up with Zero Views on Your TikTok? Could Be a Glitch!

What's Up with Zero Views on Your TikTok? Could Be a Glitch!

Ever posted a TikTok and it seemed like no one even saw it? Yeah, it happens. And sometimes, it's not about your content or timing—it might just be a glitch. Tech isn't perfect, even on TikTok. Let’s dig into what might be going wrong and how you can fix it.

Could It Be a Glitch?

Tech glitches can mess up your views. Maybe TikTok didn't register your video correctly, or it's stuck in digital limbo. It's frustrating, but it's not always about the content you're creating.

What You Can Do:

1. Re-upload Your Video

Sometimes, the simplest fix is to just try again. Delete that zero-view video and upload it fresh. A clean start might be all you need. If you’re trying this method, delete the first video and wait at least 6 hours before reposting. We’ve found that reposting immediately often yields the same results.

2. Check Your App

Is your TikTok app up to date? Running old versions can lead to unexpected bugs and issues. Always make sure you're using the latest version of the app to avoid any known problems.

3. Good Internet Connection

A bad connection can mess up uploads. Make sure you're connected to a stable and strong Wi-Fi network when you upload your videos. A poor connection can interrupt the upload process, causing videos to be uploaded incompletely or not at all.

4. Restart Your Device

Sometimes your phone or tablet just needs a quick restart to clear out any running issues. This can free up memory and processing power, making apps run smoother—including TikTok.

5. Contact Support

If it keeps happening and you’re sure it’s not your content or connectivity, reach out to TikTok support. There might be a deeper issue with your account or the app itself that only they can solve.

Check Your Video’s Visibility Settings

Sometimes the issue might be with the video’s settings:

• Private vs. Public: Make sure your video is set to Public. If it's set to Private or Friends, only a limited number of people can view it.

• Region Restrictions: Check if you’ve accidentally limited the video’s visibility to certain regions.

Avoid Copyright Issues

TikTok is very strict about copyrighted music and content. If your video includes copyrighted material without permission, it might get flagged:

• Use Royalty-Free or TikTok’s Licensed Music: To avoid this, use music from TikTok's own sound library or ensure the music you use is royalty-free or properly licensed.

• Check for Visual Content Flags: Similar rules apply to visual content. Make sure any logos, trademarks, or copyrighted visuals in your video have the appropriate permissions.

Promote Your Video Elsewhere

If you're not catching views on TikTok, use other social media platforms to drive traffic to your TikTok videos:

• Share on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook: Post a teaser or the whole video on these platforms with a link to your TikTok profile.

• Use Hashtags Wisely: Whether on TikTok or other platforms, use relevant and trending hashtags to increase the discoverability of your videos.

Keep Experimenting

The world of social media is unpredictable. What works one day might not work the next. Keep experimenting with different content types, posting times, and promotional strategies. Observe what works best and adapt your approach accordingly.

Stay Updated on Platform Changes

TikTok frequently updates its features and algorithms. Stay informed about these changes by following TikTok’s official blog or community forums. Understanding these updates can help you optimise your content to better fit the platform’s preferences.

Keep Your Cool

Don’t let a few glitches discourage you. Every social media platform has its quirks, and learning to navigate them is part of the game. Keep creating, keep uploading, and keep engaging with your audience. Your next viral video might just be a post away!

By taking these steps, you can better troubleshoot and overcome issues with TikTok glitches and ensure your content gets the visibility it deserves.

Written by Sasha McLeod

Head of Social Media

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